Services & Programs


A Safe Space

» A safe environment for family living – secure building with limited access and 24-7 on site staff.

» All residents and staff are screened for child abuse registry check and history of sexual violence.

» Proper maintenance and upkeep of the apartments to keep kids and families safe.


» Practical programming and supportive encouragement for parents to move toward living independently while parenting their children free of any child welfare involvement.

» Ongoing, updated assessments on needs and behaviours.

» Empowering parents to advocate for their needs and goals.

» Encouraging parents to access education, employment, or training.


» Support for parents in time management, legal issues, banking, medical and dental, and long term addiction and mental health treatment.

» Support for extended family in their role in reunification and lifting up parents and children.


Programs Designed to Help

» Relapse Prevention Program

» Men and Women’s Wellness Program

» Traditional Parenting

» Domestic Violence Programming (Red Road to Healing)

Support at Every Step

» Nutrition Class with Meal Planning 

» Healthy Relationships

» Anger Management 

» COVID-19 Awareness and Prevention

Heal With Us

» Healing from Trauma

» One to One Counselling/Therapy

» Spiritual Healing

» Access to Cultural Awareness