New Beginnings

We believe that all parents and families deserve the one-on-one attention and resources they need to keep their kids at home, while living in safe and supported community housing. Manitoba has some of the highest numbers of children in care in the country, with nearly 90% of those kids being Indigenous, many of whom have parents who were themselves in care.
Makoon Transition Inc. is developed to create safe spaces for families and children who are transitioning out of the Child and Family Services system. Makoon Transition Inc. works with and supports both parents, where possible, which NO other program in Winnipeg currently does. Through an intensive, holistic, team-based approach, families who are referred to Makoon Transition Inc. supported living program are encouraged to learn and practice healthy parenting skills, so that the cycle of child removal is broken.
Our experienced case managers and workers are there to provide 24-hour support, encouragement, respect, and understanding for families, as they work to transform their lives. At Makoon Transition Inc., our goal is to have children return to their family permanently, as they continue their healing journey together, freeing themselves from future CFS involvement.
We look forward to being part of your journey.
Team Makoon
Our case managers are experienced Indigenous child and family reunification workers, who have helped hundreds of families remain together. Having personal backgrounds as mothers, grandmothers, and caregivers, our staff is committed to strengthening and empowering all families for success with compassion, empathy, and understanding.
Career Opportunities
If any of the positions interest you, please contact our HR Department at (204) 509-1940 or [email protected]