What You Can Expect

Makoon Transition Inc. families receive practical, hands-on learning of life skills including budgeting, shopping and cooking healthy meals, parenting, time management, housing and rentals, and elective cultural teachings.
Ongoing Support
Using a holistic wellness approach, Makoon Transition Inc. will help families continue their healing journey. Through regular check ins and planning meetings, case managers and families will continually monitor and update goals and achievements to reduce barriers and celebrate successes.

Our Roles for Our Families

Intake Workers

Our Intake Workers are the first stop in a family’s journey into Makoon Transition Inc.’s Reunification and Prevention Program, assisting families filling out the application, asking the necessary questions, and gathering the needed documents to ensure the family’s acceptance into our program.

Case Managers

Once a family is accepted into the program and living on the premises, they are assigned a Case Manager to help with accessing any supports in the community, such as doctors, dentists, schooling, therapy, respite, daycare, and most importantly assisting families in navigating their way out of the child welfare system. Our Case Managers also focus on ensuring all families have all their needed identification, assisting them with filling out any applications regarding funding, housing, schooling, etc. Case Managers are responsible for compiling the strengths and challenges of every parent and child, and providing monthly progress reports for each family to the involved Child and Family Services agency.

Clan Wellness

Families that are in need of extra support are paired with Makoon’s own Clan Wellness Team to ensure the reunification process goes as smoothly as possible. The Clan Wellness Team assists the parents with establishing a routine that works for their family, support and encourage the parent when behavioural issues arise, and assist our parents in creating a family budget so that they’re able to meet all their family’s basic needs.

Family Support Workers

Makoon Transition Inc. has Family Support Workers on-site 24 hours of the day, seven days a week, assisting the family in making strides in their wellness journey. Family Support Workers are in charge of supporting our Case Managers, and families by completing Family Wellness Checks. Family Wellness Checks are completed a minimum of twice a day, which means that our Family Support Workers go into each family’s unit, check in with each family regarding what their plans are for the day, ensuring the family’s homes are being maintained, and that their children’s needs are being met. This includes making sure we physically see each child everyday. Our Family Support Workers work one-on-one with our families, offering wraparound services to help ease the reunification process among families.

Wellness Coordinators

All families participating within Makoon Transition Inc. attend wellness programs facilitated by Makoon Transition Inc.’s own Wellness Coordinators, who have created several culturally relevant classes just for the families in Makoon Transition Inc.

Addictions Counsellor

Makoon Transition Inc. has an Addictions Counsellor on staff, as many of our families do have pasts involving drug and alcohol addictions. For our families to have someone they can candidly speak with regarding their sobriety and their past struggles, has proven to be a vital service that many of our families need.

Early Childhood Educators

While families attend wellness programming or counselling, their children are in the care of our Early Childhood Educators.


Quick Facts

If you have an appointment that requires childminding and/or transportation, it needs to be booked through your Case Manager ASAP. Unscheduled/last minute appointments will not be guaranteed transportation and/or childminding.